everymomentnow is a beautiful news visualization site designed and developed by Craig Mod. The idea is to provide a sense of volume and correlation between keywords within a given subject area. The current incarnation focuses on Obama/McCain in the news.

The clean, minimalist interface allows the user to visualize spikes in news article occurrences for each keyword a the highest level. You choose a single focal point using a keyword (e.g. Obama or McCain) or a date restriction, and the site displays the news articles indexed for that entry point. A much richer interface is also displayed for exploring the set of news articles by other keywords associated with the current keyword/date focus. So you could look at Obama + 9/16/08, or Wall Street + 9/16/08. Presently the interface doesn't allow for a combination of multiple keywords, e.g. Obama + Wall Street + 9/16/08.

1. Main page for Obama/McCain news articles.
2. Detail page for "Obama + 9/16/08." More link at bottom of articles displays more articles in page via AJAX.
3. Date Control shows range of dates to filter the current set.
4. Volume control in upper right: titles only, titles and truncated teaser, titles and long teaser.
5. Keyword selection. Allows user to change the keyword criteria for current day.
6. The "Quick Context" bar at the top allows the user to select one of the candidates or running mates as the focus.
