
CompareNetworks jQuery'd Bread Crumb

The JQuery'd Breadcrumb is an odd breadcrumb interface that collapses all nodes in the branch upon page load, and then expands to show each node the user mouses over. Their explanation:

This collapsible breadcrumb was developed to deal with deeply nested, verbosely named pages. Rather than limit the amount of elements shown on the sever side, we decided to go with a client side solution for usability and SEO reasons.

I don't see how this is a usability improvement over an exposed breadcrumb. If they needed/wanted to use breadcrumbs for whatever reason, it would seem more usable to show a larger truncated portion of each string with an elipsis, and expose the string on hover, rather than just show these strange portions of the string. I don't even see the whole first character, so it just looks kind of broken in a way.

I like the attempt to do something about minimizing breadcrumbs in deep paths. But it might even be more useful to use something like the path control we're accustomed to in the Finder and Windows Explorer. You'd have to do a lot to make it look less like a form control to make it unobtrusive, but provide some context. Do it with ULs and CSS, and I think you'd still be ok with regard to SEO, although someone might correct me if I'm wrong. I don't know why you'd allow horrendously long titles as in their example, but clearly you don't need to have the current node in the branch visible if the point is to minimize the weight of this UI element.

NY Times Article Skimmer

The New York Times' Article Skimmer prototype provides a nice gallery view of top articles, and utilizes a categories sidebar to filter articles. Keyboard shortcuts are also provided to navigate prev/next category, or to jump to a specific category. Very nice way to view articles. The dense tabloid style of the regular site can be overwhelming sometimes.

Via SwissMiss

Starting Work on OmniGraffle Sketch Stencils

If you've been following this blog, you may know how I've wanted to do sketch/jitter line styles in OmniGraffle to produce sketchy diagrams and wireframes. After David's demo of his method for doing sketch shapes on the Design Commission blog got me started figuring out how to get the effect natively in OG, I've started to finally create sketch versions of the Wireframe Stencils. Above is a screenshot of the forms set. I expect this will take me a few days, but hope to release these in a few weeks.