
10 Most Common Misconceptions About User Experience Design

Whitney Hess asked some of the most influential and widely respected practitioners in UX what they consider to be the biggest misperceptions of what we do. The result is not only a terrific list that debunks myths, but an excellent compilation of quotes that better describe what UX is about than a clinical definition can. Those who were quoted described UX as many things, from the reach and touch of customers with products and companies, to the processes we use and the roles we play when we take part in its design.

The Top 10 list of what user experience design is NOT…

1. …user interface design
2. …a step in the process
3. …about technology
4. …just about usability
5. …just about the user
6. …expensive
7. …easy
8. …the role of one person or department
9. …a single discipline
10. …a choice

Of course you're going to have to read the article to get what those points mean. But in essence all of these observations debunk myths that UXD is any one thing among the many parts that might describe it. User experience is both tangible and intangible--it's just exists when people decide to participate in the use of a thing. UX Design is the many parts in a holistic approach to design or enable the use of the thing, and every aspect related to its use.