
Swype Text Input for Screens

CNet reports on Swype, a new keyboard technology for touch screens created by the inventory of the T9 keyboard technology for numeric keypads. Swype lets the user drag their finger across the screen, touching each of the letters in the words they want to enter, and predictive software selects the word they wanted. This could be a great tool to the improve the typing experience on the iPhone, which I find pretty awful compared to a hardware keyboard. Will also be very useful to the next wave of touch screen notebooks and ultra mobiles that we'll be seeing.


I've been really impressed by Aza Raskin's Ubiquity add on for Firefox, which I've been playing with a lot lately. It completely makes up for the less than exciting experience I had with Enso, which never came close to a Quicksilver experience on Windows. Ubiquity is pretty much the Quicksilver experience brought to your web browser. A smart tool that is summoned by a keyboard shortcut, and provides shortcuts to frequently used tools, and contextually relevant paths to using selected content in the page. Raskin talks more about the app on his site.