
Back From a Break

So, I pretty much took the week off from blogging because I was having a little bit of a creative block this week after finishing off a project and starting a new one. I also had a little bit of a let down after seeking out an estimate to create custom notebooks with my graph paper. Of course, I wanted to do a really high quality book, with a scored cover like the Rhodia, but the quote came in so high that I got really discouraged. So I stepped away from the blog to focus on other things.

I spent this week doing some competitive research on the new project, and doing other creative things, like helping my son do some animation in Flash, playing with Ableton Live, cycling of course, and watching Le Tour. But now I'm back and ready to start posting again and starting a new podcast recording. I gathered a bunch of sites I want to share with you and you should start seeing them next week.

As for the notepads, I have some ideas for making that happen, and I'm going to start developing some new parts of this site related to that. Stay tuned.


OmniGraffle Icons and Controls Set Coming

I've been accumulating a bunch of icons and other miscellaneous controls in my OmniGraffle Wireframe Stencil and think it's about time to separate those into their own stencil set. The icons you see here are some of the ones I plan to include in this new set.

Any others you'd like to see here that aren't already represented? These are the ones I've actually had to use in the past 3 or 4 years.

How to Talk to Non-Tech-Savvy Clients

Jacob Cass offers some advice for freelancers in sussing out the technical savvy of potential clients and how to approach the project discovery discussion.

You may want to impress your client with the vast amount of knowledge that you have, however, if they do not understand it, then all of your effort is lost. ... [W]hen explaining a concept, slow down, provide examples and talk in familiar terms.