After posting the Konigi Graph Paper, someone pointed me to Deeplinking's collection of photos of paper prototypes and user interface sketches.
After posting the Konigi Graph Paper, someone pointed me to Deeplinking's collection of photos of paper prototypes and user interface sketches.
I noticed the TypoWiki on TypoPhile for the first time. The wiki is "a user-created encyclopedia of all things type and design-related. Users create and edit Wiki entries with the aim of becoming a collaborative, useful, balanced and relevant resource."
This is a very simple wiki created on top of Drupal. They've done a nice job of creating a core set of wiki pages ("indices", as they call them) linked off the front so you can edit those pages and create forward links to new resources. This is a nice approach that the keeps the site organized and clean.
There's quite a lot of content in here already, including a pretty large glossary of terms. Wherever you see a little red W icon, the content needs to be written still, so get in there if you're so inclined and contribute.
280 Slides is a service that lets you create presentations online in a Keynote-like interface, and then share them, download them to PowerPoint, and present them online.