
15 CSS Properties You Probably Never Use (but perhaps should)

On seomoz, Matthew Inman points to 15 rarely used CSS properties, and why you might want to be aware of if you don't already use them. I have to admit to only using a handful of these, and not with any regularity.

  1. clip
  2. visibility
  3. text-shadow
  4. content
  6. counter-reset and counter-increment
  7. marks
  8. page-break-before and page-break-after
  9. orphans and widows
  10. font-size-adjust
  11. font-stretch
  12. font-variant
  13. caption-side
  14. table-layout
  15. empty-cells

Commercial graphic design is not self-expression

Chuck Green offers some advice to designers who see a lot of uniformity in look and feel or sameness of style in their graphic design projects. His point is that design is not artistic expression and that designers need to be able to focus their work on solving problems rather than merely layering their point of view and style over their solution. He argues that the ability to devise different approaches to different problems is difficult, but that designers should attempt this while keeping their opinions at bay.