Robert Scoble picked 100 tech startups to follow in 2010, linking to each company's Twitter account.
Robert Scoble picked 100 tech startups to follow in 2010, linking to each company's Twitter account.
BiDi Screen was demonstrated at SIGGRAPH Asia this year. It is a thin, depth-sensing LCD for 3D interaction using light fields.
The BiDi Screen is an example of a new type of I/O device that possesses the ability to both capture images and display them. This thin, bidirectional screen extends the latest trend in LCD devices, which has seen the incorporation of photo-diodes into every display pixel. Using a novel optical masking technique developed at the Media Lab, the BiDi Screen can capture lightfield-like quantities, unlocking a wide array of applications from 3-D gesture interaction with CE devices, to seamless video communication.
More demonstrations and paper at Matthew Hirsch's BiDi Screen page.
The full text of the proceedings of MobileHCI09, the 11th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services is available online. The event, which covers mobile and wearable computing devices and services took place September, 2009 at the University of Bonn in Germany.