
Build It With Me Connects App Designers and Builders

Build It With Me is a free site that connects like-minded designers & developers with the same goal: create cool & useful apps.

Getting funding for your app idea is hard and often unrealistic. Most of the time you may just need to connect with a partner who has a skill set you lack to finish off your app. This is where Build It With Me is comes in, connecting you to those people. Skip the funding. Build It With Me will help you bootstrap your ideas into actual apps.

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50% of every dollar you spend will to go to charity in December

The Plan

I've been thinking of two things a lot with the holidays arriving. The first is, how can I provide a discount on Konigi stuff to my friends who use the notepads and sketchbooks. The second is, how can I find a way to make my Christmastime donations interesting. When I was an avid Lala trader a few years ago, I tried to see if I could get one of the many CDs sleeves I marked back and vowed to make my donations coincide with the event. I never got a sleeve back, but made the donations anyway and was included in a WashPost article because I tend do end of year charitable giving.

Last year I ran a discount code for Black Friday/Cyber Monday. This year, however, I thought I would forego a discount and instead donate 50% of all sales revenue--not just profit, but all sales-- to 2 charities. I figure the cost of these little sketchbooks and tools is not so great, and we can all give a little while getting something back. The donations will be made to 2 local organizations devoted to fighting poverty and hunger.

The Beneficiaries

Robin Hood is an organization that gives 100% of donations to poverty-fighting organizations with programs focussing on Early Childhood, Education, Jobs & Economic Security, and Survival, and uses sound investment principles to sustain in its philanthropic mission.

The New York Food Bank organizes food, information and support for community survival and dignity. Working to end food poverty and increase access to affordable, nutritious food for low-income New Yorkers throughout the five boroughs, the Food Bank's initiatives focus on direct services, food sourcing and distribution, nutrition and health education, financial empowerment, disaster relief and policy and research.


Thanks for participating with me. When you buy one of the Konigi products in the store, you are making a small contribution to these philanthropic organizations . I will be doing an update to the icons to help entice you to make your purchase. I feel fortunate to have something to trade for dollars in donations, and to have the help of my friends and readers.


Google's New Fade In UI

Google launched a new behavior on the search page that hides everything but the logo and search form on load, and fades in the rest of the surrounding interface when the user moves the mouse. The idea is to give focus to search for the primary use case, where a user hits the page and starts typing without moving the mouse. They talk about the new behavior on the Google Blog.