
Gifts for User Experience Geeks 2009

Nick Finck's holiday gift ideas for UX designers is an annual blog entry that I hope to look forward to for years to come, and not just because he lists Konigi among the great list of suggestions. :)

[I]t is once again time for the gifts for user experience geeks post for the 2009 holiday season. Just like last year this list is a collection of items I have come across over the last year that would make the ideal gifts for UX geeks like Information Architects, Usability Specialists, Interaction Designers, and even Web Designers.


NOTE: Protokit is no longer being developed, but is still available for you to poke fun at.

Protokit was an experimental project to develop a toolkit for creating HTML prototypes. It uses the following open source libraries and plugins: Blueprint, jQuery, jQuery UI, jQuery Templates, and iXEdit. More information about the included libraries and their licensing agreements can be found in theREADME file.

Version 0.1 was the preliminary version and is very rough. It provides the libraries and a rudimentary set of templates to get you started while I make this thing a bit more than the ugly half cousin to our beautiful wireframes. Use will require knowledge of XHTML, CSS, and jQuery.

Prototokit is no longer being developed, but you can view the prototype demo and documentation, or you may download version 0.1 here.