When a software company's product family grows, it can be quite difficult for customers to figure out which product is right for their needs. Quicken is one of those examples where the number of products is overwhelming. They try to help customers with a product comparison table provides a basic checkbox chart of all product feature categories, with product names and prices along the top of the table, and rows of feature categories, with checkboxes to indicate which products match which features. Each feature category can be expanded to show more detail about features within corresponding categories. For prospective customers who don't want to make sense of the text heavy table, a simple wizard provides a questionnaire that asks what the customer's needs are, and displays the product that best meets their needs.
2. Users may expand feature categories to get more detailed information about what feature coverage is offered. Users may also expand or collapse all features.
3. A wizard questionnaire aims to make product selection simpler by asking what the customer's needs are.